I`ve heard of the saying "No pain, No gain"
Many clients seek treatment for injured or painful regions. Generally healthy tissue does not cause any discomfort or pain. Prior to treatment, we will advise of the anticipated benefits and potential adverse affects. We respect your ongoing communication and informed consent may be withdrawn at any time. Your comfort is our top priority.
Will I have to provide personal information and will it be confidential?
You will be required to complete a confidential health history form and provide consent to treatment. All personal information you provide will be collected and stored per regulations from the College of Massage Therapists of Ontario. In accordance with the Regulated Health Professions Act.
Will I have to see your team exclusively or can I receive treatment from other practitioners?
We support and encourage treatment from other practitioners, including other RMT`s, Osteopaths, Physiotherapists, Chiropractors and Naturopaths.
We also support any recommendations from your Physician. We believe each practitioner may offer another aspect to your wellness journey.
Your hands must be sore from seeing clients all day?
Thanks for your concern, we hear this all the time. It is very considerate of you to consider our feelings. After many years of providing treatments, I have built up strength. I seek regular ongoing treatment to stay healthy. Along with some yoga, hiking and walking my dogs.